MikroTik MT-HotSwapFan MT-HotSwapFan Hot Swap Fan for CCR2216-1G-12XS-2XQ or CRS518-16XS-2XQ-RM
MikroTik provides hardware and software for Internet connectivity. Our experience in using industry standard PC hardware and complete routing systems allowed us in 1997 to create the RouterOS software system that provides extensive stability, controls, and flexibility for all kinds of data interfaces and routing.
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MikroTik MT-HotSwapFan MT-HotSwapFan Hot Swap Fan for CCR2216-1G-12XS-2XQ or CRS518-16XS-2XQ-RM
Be prepared for the unexpected with the backup hot-swappable fans for our newest devices, such as the flagship CCR2216 and CRS518.
If your fans go out of order at some point, you can swap them without unnecessary downtime, as there is no need to turn the router off